Question of the week: Did you know that President Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be the official Thanksgiving holiday during the Civil War?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hero Cake
Sunday, November 22, 2009
"Kicken" Chicken Pot Pie
Question of the Week: What has your child put in his/her mouth that made you sigh from exasperation?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Triple-the-Mess Chocolate Brownies
In Elli, "no" frequently means "yes."
And for the record, she did say "egg" upon my first prompt. You just have to listen very, very closely.
The brownies are from a mix by Ghirardelli, bought at, you guessed it, Costco - 6 batches for $9. We go through a lot because, as Elli so eloquently puts it, the brownies are "de-dis-is" (delicious). Plus they are super easy to make. Let's leave it at that selling point and not discuss what they may lack in nutrition.
The easiness of this mix lent itself very nicely to Elli catching on quickly, and today she can practically take the reins herself when it comes to prepping the batter.
She poured the mix into the bowl...
...with just a little molehill forming on the counter from the overflow. Easily retifiable with a quick sweep of the hand.
Mommy poured the oil and water in the measuring cup, and Elli helped me command the liquid into the mixing bowl. She's almost ready to let lose on the egg cracking, but for now, Mommy helps her until she can figure out the right intensity with which to hit the egg against the edge of the bowl. I was eight before my mom let me go solo on this. My friend Beth, however, says her three-year-old can crack an egg alone. I'm shooting for the three-year mark, though I harbor no illusions that it will be mess-free.
Life is messy; that's what makes it so interesting.
Mixing is also something in which she is still developing skills. For the most part she did well alone...
...and then she lost control of the spoon and the batter splatted the empty mix box and bottle of oil innocently standing by.
She held the can of canola oil spray with me and sprayed the pan. Then, we poured the batter into the greased pan together, and she listened intently as I explained"We pour it into the center of the pan so that the batter spreads out in all direction, just like that."
"ike dat," she said.
"Like that," I repeated. "See how it's going out to the edges? That's what we want it to do so that the batter is nice an even."
My mom explained it to me almost exactly the same way. Remembering how she used to talk me through what she did brought a smile to my face.
"What flavor are these brownies, Elli?" I asked. She looked at me without an answer, though I know she was probably thinking, "Apple." So, I told her, "Chocolate."
As I prepped the oven - a task I keep Elli far away from - Elli suddenly became quiet. To you moms out there, you know exactly where this is going. For those of you who don't, allow me to illustrate:
Yeah. Wardrobe change to follow.
Off we went cleaning up the mess. Elli has long liked to help wipe up her area after eating. Why I have not yet thought of applying this concept to cooking is beyond me. Never too late!
Not that it saves me any elbow grease now, but it plants the seeds.
Forty-five minutes later, the brownies were done, and Daddy and Elli both were itching for a bite. Honestly, so was I.
Mmmm. Nothing better than warm brownies. I guess I'll just have to make another batch for the Sweet Victory Party. Sigh. The rigors I endure!
Things Elli Could Do:
- Pour mix in bowl
- Pour oil, water into bowl
- Help crack egg
- Help mix batter
- Help spray pan
- Help pour batter into bowl
- Help clean up the mess
Overall Triple Chocolate Brownie Ratings (5 being the best)
Elli-friendly cooking: 5
Elli-friendly eating: 5 (as if there were any doubt)
Simple: 5
Fast: 4 (prep time fast; bake time long)
Frugal: 4
Question of the Week:
What did your mom (or dad) teach you about cooking that you hope to pass on to your kids?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Slow Cooker Beef Stew
- Transfer chopped onion, potatoes from cutting board to cooker
- Pull carrots from bag and drop into cooker
- Help pour sauce, gravy into cooker
- Help rid the lid of surplus gravy
- Help season meat
- Help stir ingredients in cooker
- Take trash to trash can
- Help wipe down counter
Question of the Week: How do you like your veggies?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Banana Bread at Bedtime
"Into the oven!" I announced when the batter had settled into the pan. As Elli snuck in more finger swipes off the mixer paddle, I put the bread in the oven. I was able to figuratively pry her away from the mixer by turning on the oven light for her to see the bread inside. What happened next, I captured in video:
Things Elli could do:
Count...bananas, scoops of sugar/flour, etc. Help dump ingredients into bowl Monitor bread baking through the oven window
Banana Bread Overall Ratings:
Elli-friendly cooking: 5 Elli-friendly eating: 5 Simple: 5 Fast: 4 (fast prep, long bake) Frugal: 5
Question of the Day: What would you allow your child to stay up late to do?