Saturday, March 27, 2010

FYI on call for recipes, and a deal

I know some pretty inventive cooks read this. I know this because chances are I know you personally. Check this out: Gooseberry Patch has put a call out for recipes of two kinds. 1) Cookies and 2) Mom's Best Recipes. Check out more on the Gooseberry Patch blog. I've already submitted one. It takes only minutes. And for those of you I know personally, if you'd like some suggestions as to which ones to submit, Elli and I are available for consultation. We may have to sample the product prior to judgment, however. BONUS: If your recipe is selected, Elli and I would like to invite you over to our kitchen (considering you are in driving distance) to help you make the dish, and we will blog together about our adventure. Talk to you again soon....


  1. Thanks so much for featuring our call for recipes...what was the name of the recipe you submitted? Let us know so we can keep an eye out for it! :)

  2. My pleasure. I hope a few folks submitted something anyway. I sent in the scalloped cabbage recipe from my great-grandmother. Elli and I made it last year for Oktoberfest.


Elli would love to know your thoughts.